Colin is the technology founder and major shareholder of Adrok Ltd, and a prominent figure on various science industry boards. From 1975, after a successful academic career in the Geography Department at the University of Aberdeen, Colin held various high profile positions from leading Remote Sensing research at the Macaulay Institute for Soil Research to pioneering new radar research for a company set up to service UK Government and other commercial organisations. In 1988, Colin set up a new Ground Penetrating Radar business, breaking new ground in technology developments for non-destructive inspection services. Following the sale of this business in 1994 to an international drilling company, Colin set up his own science business which allowed him to develop his ideas of Atomic Dielectric Resonance (ADR). Colin was also an Expert Witness for the Crown Prosecution Service between 1994 to 1999. As Adrok's Chief Earth Scientist, Colin is in charge of our geoscientific mapping and identification research activities with a singular focus to deliver only the best innovations through Adrok. In September 2021, Colin was bestowed (by invitation) Honorary Fellow of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society.