Onshore Oklahoma Oil field survey for USA Independent

- Survey of an onshore basin located in Oklahoma, USA
- Surface terrain comprised low lying farmland
- Adrok trained on 1 drilled well location (for oil, gas & sedimentary rock layer signatures) in basin
- Adrok did not train or typecast on any cored rock samples
- Adrok processed and predicted the virtual borehole log (before spudding commenced)
- Client’s needs were for Adrok to prognose tops of Wilcox rock
- Depth of ADR penetration was over 7500ft
- Prospect site was approximately 1km offset from training well location
- The results of the Adrok survey were compared to the actual drilling results
- No HSE accidents

Drilling and testing has confirmed Adrok’s predictions

- Adrok’s depth accuracy to oil & gas accumulation was 0.3%
- The initial well has now been completed and is producing:
- 1,400,000 cubic feet of gas per day
- 22 barrels of oil per day