The use of ADR as a qualitative geothermal proxy across England
- This report describes the results of the November 2021 geoscientific survey completed by Adrok Limited (“Adrok”) in England on behalf of Adrok. The objective of the project is to use Adrok’s stare scan data to identify geothermal potential in onshore oil and gas sites.
- Adrok has prognosed several high confidence targets of high thermal impact at locations where the literature agrees and demonstrates a higher geothermal gradient. Adrok has also found no evidence of thermal anomalies in the locations where the temperatures at depth are not high enough to be considered of geothermal interest.
- Knowing this, we can be confident on marketing this tool for onshore projects that require the application of a fast analysis technique to assess general geothermal potential across a wide area.
- ➢ Benefits: Fast analysis, distinguishing between minor and major targets, multi-level confidence assessment.
- ➢ Limitations: Not quantitative, the depth and width of the troughs are still not directly related to the depth and width of the geothermal reservoir.

Overall, we believe this report demonstrates that this technology has the potential to be of great use for exploration of onshore geothermal potential at a regional scale.